How Much Spanish Do You Really Know?

Posted by on Oct 25, 2012 in Blog, Featured, Spanish | 1 comment

How Much Spanish Do You Really Know?

So you learned a little Spanish in school. How much do you remember? How much of it is truly useful?

Our Spanish 1 course is designed to help you learn the most fundamental concepts of Spanish and hundreds of the most useful Spanish words.

Do you know enough Spanish to skip our Spanish 1 course?

Take this quick 20 question quiz to find out.

How did you do? We would love to hear what you think in the comments.

[slickquiz id=1]

One Response to “How Much Spanish Do You Really Know?”

  1. Hey, that was fun! But I got 3 wrong. Looks like I need to brush up. I thought the questions were good.

    Nice work!